The Bountiful Benefits of Breastfeeding

Sumner Regional Medical Center - Breastfeeding and Birthing Classes Available in TennesseeAugust is National Breastfeeding Month, and Sumner Regional Medical Center joins in celebrating the amazing benefits of mother’s milk.  Everything your baby needs for nutrition in the first six months of life is supplied by this miracle fluid.

Marian Thompson, one of the founders of La Leche League, stated that the variety of health benefits from breastfeeding favorably affect both mother and newborn.  This statement has been proven by personal experience for thousands of years, and through many studies during the past 200 years.  These findings are both fascinating and well-founded.

Benefits of Breastfeeding for Baby

  • Baby receives the perfect balance of vitamins, protein and fat in easily digested nutrients for growth and development
  • Baby’s immune system is strengthened by the antibodies present in Mother’s breast milk
  • When breastfed for at least the first six months of life, Baby suffers fewer infections and allergies
  • Childhood issues such as diabetes and obesity are less likely to develop
  • Breast milk is even shown to improve brain development

Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mother

  • Quicker return to pre-pregnancy weight
  • Reduction of risk for cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and stroke
  • Lowers risk of breast and ovarian cancers
  • May lower risk of osteoporosis
  • Alleviates stress
  • Time and cost savings – no preparing of bottles; no purchasing of formula: gives time to feed Baby, and bond together

Breastfeeding is special for so many reasons.  The physical closeness results in a treasured bond between Mother and Baby.  Offering nutrition only Mother can provide results in skin-to-skin contact and lots of loving eye contact.  The health and relational benefits to both Mother and Baby can last for a lifetime.

Sumner Regional Medical Center provides a Breastfeeding Basics Class on the fourth Tuesday of every month from 6:30 to 9 PM.  These free, beneficial classes are recommended for mothers-to-be during the 6th – 8th months of pregnancy.  Spouses and support friends or family members are welcome.

Special Delivery 101, a Prepared Childbirth Class, is offered on the first four consecutive Mondays every month.  From 6:30 to 9 PM, these free classes extend information regarding pregnancy, labor, delivery and newborn care.  Spouses, support friends and family members are welcome.  Attendance is recommended during the 7th or 8th month of pregnancy.

For more information about our breastfeeding and childbirth classes, including schedules or to register, call 615-328-4123. SRMC stands ready to support mothers in their decision to breastfeed their babies.  We’ll face your challenges with you in those first few weeks and help you succeed at giving your baby – and yourself – the bountiful benefits of breastfeeding.

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